Sleep Longer to Lose Weight

There are twenty-four hours in a day; seven or eight of those hours should be spent sleeping. Research shows that lack of sleep could result in weight gain. There are two hormones that we need to consider when we deprive ourselves of adequate sleep. These hormones are leptin and ghrelin. The hormone leptin is produced by fat cells. It helps with appetite suppression and burning stored fat. The hormone ghrelin is produced by cells lining the stomach. Ghrelin helps stimulate the appetite. Now that we know the function of these hormones, we can take a look at some research about … Continue reading

A Simple Plan for Weight Loss

While I fine-tune my diet, I’m researching what other people are doing. I look for people who have maintained weight loss for a number of years. After all, they must be doing something right. Sometimes, I come across experts who really explain issues with weight loss in a way that I can understand. Although knowing the science behind their reasoning is helpful, I don’t have the time, patience, or attention span to muddle through a bunch of five dollar words or a gazillion pages of text. Give it to me straight and let me see if I can work with … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: Stomach Virus HITS

Ugh—just as I committed myself to starting a low-carbohydrate plan, just as I finished my first batch of eggs, it happened. A stomach virus hit, and for two days I was sick as a dog. The good news is I came out of it three pounds lighter. The bad part is I’m back at square one with my healthy eating plan. One of my best friends just started Jenny Craig. I’m happy for her. Having done Jenny Craig myself, I know the food is really tasty. But with a family to cook for, that’s just not an option for me … Continue reading

Why You Need a List at the Grocery Store

Going into the grocery store without a list is as bad as going into the grocery store hungry, as far as I’m concerned. When you go into the grocery store and shop while you’re hungry, you’ll pick up anything in site. Suddenly everything looks appetizing—especially the “bad” foods that tempt us like magnets when we least expect it. When you go to the grocery store without a list, you may not be starving and wanting to pick up everything in sight, but you’re likely going to walk around the store aimlessly, forgetting your mental list. And when that happens, you … Continue reading