Kids, Cereal and Halloween

Just in time for Halloween the Food and Drug Administration has some spooky news for parents: Those so-called healthy cereals you’ve been feeding your kids may not be as nutritious as they claim to be. A while back cereal manufacturers, including Kellogg’s and General Mills, started displaying banners on their boxes announcing that their delicious sugared breakfast treats were “Smart Choices” and “Healthy Choices” respectively. For example, General Mills proudly declares that Cocoa Puffs are a “Smart Choice” for kids, despite the fact that the cereal, which turns leftover milk into fudgy syrup, contains 40 percent sugar. How healthy is … Continue reading

Eggs for Breakfast Every Day?

“I hear what you’re saying about protein and I do feel great when I have eggs for breakfast on the weekends but I just don’t have the time to make eggs during the week. Any suggestions?” Ah, eggs. These are just the most magical protein in my opinion. They are inexpensive, filling, low in calories, tasty and easily prepared. Did you know that you can prepare eggs in advance and freeze or refrigerate them? Yes, you can! You can prepare omelets ahead of time and place them in a microwave-safe plastic container so you can just pack them in your … Continue reading

Feeding a Family of Four of Vacation

I have been living for several days now in a hotel room without a kitchen. We have managed to feed two teenagers and ourselves without blowing or budget or having rumbling tummies. Here is how we do it. 1. Book a hotel with a refrigerator. This is very important. Having a fridge in the room will allow you to keep cold drinks, milk, and even ice cream for late night snacks. 2. Go to the grocery store as soon as you get settled in. We have saved money by purchasing breakfast cereals, chips, bottled water, bread, and cold cuts. This … Continue reading

That All Important Meal

So many of us are rushing around these days. We almost have to really, as we have a lot to do and only so much time to do it in. Although it is difficult we have to stop and eat that meal that so many of us tend to skip each day—breakfast. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. It fuels your body as you start your daily routine giving nourishment to your brain cells. People tend to do better at work and children at school when they eat their breakfast. Without breakfast you tend … Continue reading

My Life with the Sink Monster

Have you ever woken up from a bad dream only to find that there was a little bit of reality to it after all? Or perhaps you have a certain sense of dread before walking down a certain alley or into a certain room. It is almost as though you can hear the audience watching you as though you are in a horror film, “Don’t go in there!” and “Nooooo!” This happens every once in a while in my house, usually on weekends. I get up on a Saturday morning before everyone else is. The house is still and quiet … Continue reading