The Gluten-Free Diet

The Gluten-Free diet is an excellent choice for people who have certain health conditions. It is not ideal for everyone. Before you begin a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. What is the Gluten-Free diet? A gluten-free diet is one that excludes foods that contain gluten. Gluten is the general name for the proteins that are found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, KAMUT, khorasan wheat, and einkorn) rye, barley, and triticale. Gluten acts as a glue that holds foods together. People who go on a gluten-free diet stop eating foods … Continue reading

The Truth About Your Diet During Pregnancy

One of the assumptions I made about pregnancy prior to becoming pregnant is I’d have a diet-related Get out of Jail Free card.  I knew that there are certain foods it’s best to avoid, but I thought at least I’d have a free pass to eat, well, not quite as much as I wanted, but to feel a bit more guilt-free about evening ice cream binges. That turned out not to be the case at all.  First off, the whole “eating for two” thing isn’t true.  At most, you should eat for one and a quarter.  In addition to that, … Continue reading

4 Tips to Help You Keep Your Resolution

As I blogged yesterday, my New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight – again.  The thing about making weight loss a resolution is that so many people do it (especially after all those holiday pounds!), but many fail to follow through. What can you do to keep your resolution?  There are a few hints from psychologist John Norcross on how to keep those resolutions: Believe it can be done. That’s right – don’t let the haters keep you down, saying “You can’t do that.”  Believe in yourself that you can succeed. Be realistic. I am never going to weigh 120 … Continue reading

Give Yourself the Gift of Fitness

I love to give gifts, especially to my children.  Although it’s not as fun anymore, now that they prefer money or gift cards. In this season of giving, it’s important to remember our own needs.  Not necessarily the material ones but our health.  So how about giving yourself the gift of fitness? Maybe you are the person who has never been very active.  It could be that you don’t even really struggle with your weight, so what’s the point. Too often we look at exercise as a way to lose weight or tone up.  But it’s good for your heart … Continue reading

Printing on Scrapbook Paper

Taking advantage of sales on scrapbook paper is a great way to save money. However, if you can’t use the bulk stock as effectively as possible, then your purchase may be worthless. This is especially true if your computer printer places certain limitations on the type of scrapbook paper you can use. If you own a standard ink jet printer, you really need to pay close attention to the type of scrapbook paper you buy. When selecting paper consider the weight. For example, a heavy-weight cardstock may not be compatible with your printer. Also, examine the paper’s texture. If the … Continue reading

Exercising but Gaining Weight

Nothing can frustrate a person more than starting a fitness routine, only to find they are gaining weight. That was the case for me when I began my journey of a healthier lifestyle. I remember after nearly a month of exercising at least 30 minutes most days, the scale was going the opposite direction than I expected. At one point I was in near tears…until I started doing some investigating and uncovered several possible reasons. One reason for gaining weight is that you are putting on more muscle. We automatically assume the weight gain is fat but muscle is much … Continue reading

All You Need Is 30 Minutes a Day

When it comes to exercise, is more of it better? You may sometimes question whether or not the recommended 30 minutes a day of exercise is beneficial. I know a few people who don’t believe this because they don’t feel satisfied unless they have gotten in 45 to 60 minutes of exercise. For some reason, the 30 minutes can feel like it’s not enough. Well, a small study says differently. Whether you exercise for 30 or 60 minutes a day, you end up losing the same amount of weight. I think it’s the mindset that if you work out more, … Continue reading

What Does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. Stand For?

What does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. stand for? “F” stands for functional intensity training (FIT). This is a combination of cardio and weight training. You receive a more well-rounded approach to exercise when you incorporate both. “I” stands for intense. You have to be intense about exercise if you truly want to succeed. Without it, you are going to quickly lose your motivation. “T” stands for try. You need to try new things. If you stick to the same old routine or the same old exercises, you will get bored. Be adventurous. Here are some ideas to help you out: yoga, circuit training, … Continue reading

Super Size Me…Not!

Although this movie was made in 2004, I didn’t see it until recently. It is the documentary, “Super Size Me.” Let me tell you, if you have a McDonald’s habit that you are trying to kick, all you have to do is watch this movie and I can almost guarantee you will lose your appetite for the fast-food chain. I did. In fact, I lost my appetite for a lot of things…that is, anything that is fatty. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock decided to conduct an experiment in which he would only eat food from McDonalds for 30 days. He went into … Continue reading

The Many Benefits of Walking

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a walk by the lakefront in our hometown of Milwaukee. The reason had less to do with exercise and more about getting out of the house. We had just experienced our firstborn child leaving the home. He left for basic training in Texas with the Air Force. We were left with a lot of mixed feelings. Dealing with our emotions was difficult. At times we were even at odds with each other, which is why my husband suggested a walk by the lake. For some reason being away … Continue reading