Dieting Pitfalls

Pitfall 1: The Monday Dieter By the time you remember you wanted to start your diet on Monday you already ate a package of Twinkies and its Thursday. Did you know that diets that start on Wednesday are just as likely to produce positive results as those started on Monday? There is nothing magical about Monday. We tend to want a fresh start and want to evaluate our weight loss goals in weeks. As long as you evaluate your diet in weeks and not pounds or daily accomplishments you will be on the vicious Monday cycle. Every day is the … Continue reading

Common Diet Pitfalls

There are some very common diet pitfalls that few people know about. You may very well have fallen prey to one of them. Read on and see if any of these sound familiar. You Eat on the Run In our society, we take everything at top speed. Breakfast is taken on the run and wolfed down while applying mascara, driving to work and talking on the phone. Chances are you were doing so many other things when you ate breakfast that you don’t even remember what (or how much) you ate! We don’t take time to eat any more and … Continue reading

Weight Loss Pitfalls To Avoid

Now that we have resolved to keep the weight off in 2006 (read previous blog re: New Year’s Resolutions) I thought I’d throw some info your way. While we’re all starting (and re-starting) our diets, we must all be aware of the most common stumbling blocks to long-term weight loss: First and foremost! Watch The Fad Diet. While the majority of these diets promise to help you lose a large amount of weight in two seconds flat, tell you to cut certain foods out of your diet, or only let you eat certain foods it must be said that the … Continue reading

You On A Diet by Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz

Since it’s a new year and most of us have resolved to take better care of ourselves, me included, I thought I would review some of Dr. Oz’s books. You On A Diet is a great book. We all know that in order to lose weight we need to eat fewer calories and move more, sounds simple but we know the reality. This book will not only give you tips to get in the best shape you can, it explains why you gain weight and how to change that. The first thing that caught my attention about this book is … Continue reading

Tools for Success

I have never successfully lost weight from any diet program. Why? Because I have never been a part of a diet program before. I never followed any crazy diet, fad diet, or new and improved diet on the market. I never took diet pills, diet supplements or diet drinks. I have tried a thermogenic before to increase my metabolism. I still have no idea if it ever worked or not. I never purchased expensive meal plans. I never hired a personal trainer. Yet, I have successfully lost weight in my life. After having my second baby I lost all my … Continue reading

Another Benefit of Working From Home

Although I have been working from home for quite some time and I am well aware of many of the benefits that I enjoy as someone who works from home, I occasionally become aware of additional ways that working from home benefits me. The most recent benefit that I have “discovered” is that working from home puts me in a good position to eat more healthfully. While this opportunity has existed since I started working from home, I only acknowledged it a couple of days ago when I returned home from my vacation. Going on vacation clears my head and … Continue reading

100 Calorie Snacks

Dieting does not mean you have to give up snacking. In fact, choosing snacks wisely can help you with your weight loss goals rather than deter them. Snacking prevents you from becoming over hungry which leads to unhealthy food choices and overeating. Yet, you must be certain to choose your snacks wisely to also avoid pitfalls. Let’s face it; we all love to snack throughout the day. A nice rule of thumb is choosing a snack at 100 calories. Staying in that range keeps you in control of your snacking intake while making it easy to adjust to your individual … Continue reading

Yo-Yo Diets: Kirstie Alley

If you have seen the latest on the newsstands you have most likely come across Kirstie Alley spanning the covers. I wonder what it would be like and then shudder to think of someone watching my every move. I guess that it is the price that you pay when you are rich and famous. Constantly in the spotlight, everyone is talking about your weight losses and weight gains. Kirstie Alley is the newest victim in the media of body images. Kirstie lost a great deal of weight back a few years on the Jenny Craig program. She was featured as … Continue reading

High Calorie Beverages and Weight

Beware the Hidden Calories Many people do not stop and think about how many calories they are drinking away. If you sat down and figured it out you would be surprised. Some think that because it is only liquid it will just run right through you. It does run through you, but while it does it leaves its empty calories behind. Soda, lattes, cappuccinos, sports beverages, just about every drink has a calorie count that could be better spent on valuable food intake. This is especially important if you are dieting because your calorie count is limited. Why waste your … Continue reading

Keep Your Salads Healthy and Tasty

A healthy salad doesn’t need to consist of just lettuce and lemon juice. In fact, you could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts by boring yourself out of salads altogether! Try jazzing up your next salad by adding some of these healthy items to it. A quarter cup of avocado is high in good fat, low in saturated fat and cholesterol free. The high fat content in avocado will also help you to feel more satisfied after eating your salad. The right salad dressing can make a huge difference in your diet. By slathering on a cream or mayonnaise based … Continue reading