Confessions of an Emotional Eater

I must confess something. I am an emotional eater. It almost feels like I should say, “Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am an emotional eater.” The great thing about confessing this, however, is to know that I am not alone. We may not talk about it much but there are others out there. So welcome to my club. I have always known this but perhaps never really admitted to it. I think emotional eaters tend to do that. We may come with up excuses or reasons for eating when we aren’t really hungry but never come to the … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: A Fight to the Finish, Part I

The Curse Dieting is hard enough, but many of us manage to accomplish our goal eventually. Everything is going fairly well, we are being faithful and strong-willed resisting the tempting goodies that surround us for the most part. We are losing a pound here, a pound there…and then we feel it….that first twinge…that first cramp. Oh no, you think, not now. I was doing so well. You know what will happen next. You feel it start to overtake you. You do not feel as strong as you initially did. You get an uncontrollable urge that you just have to satisfy. … Continue reading