Get a Coupon When You “Like” Diet Coke

When it comes to soft drinks, people either prefer Coke or Pepsi, and will avoid the brand that they do not favor. There are also people who prefer the diet versions of soft drinks to the “regular” ones, and vice versa. If you happen to be someone whose favorite drink is Diet Coke, then you are in luck. You can get a coupon for your next Diet Coke when you click “like” on the Diet Coke Facebook page. Now that the weather has gotten warmer, people are starting to think about hitting the beaches, or going swimming. This means that … Continue reading

Quitting Diet Soda

Would you like to lose five pounds? You may be able to do so by cutting back on your diet soda consumption. Now, I can’t guarantee you will see a huge drop in weight, but I think I probably lost about 5 pounds when I quit. I have read that some diet soda drinkers lose up to 15 pounds upon quitting. In addition to any weight loss that may or may not occur, you will be doing your body an enormous favor. I have had a love/hate relationship with diet soda for as long as I can remember. One of … Continue reading

Move Over, Beer Belly…

You know what a beer belly is, right? That saggy, baggy gut that we attribute to raising a stein of your favorite frosty beer all too often. But doctors these days are noticing a NEW kind of belly — the soda belly. Researchers from the University of Minnesota believe that soda can increase your risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Symptoms of metabolic syndrome include: High blood sugar levels High cholesterol Belly fat A study of nearly ten thousand adults between the ages of forty-five and sixty-four found that people who drink soda on a daily basis — even a single … Continue reading

DIY Training Tools

There are lots of tools out there to help train your dog — from clickers and training discs to fancy treats and toys. But if you’re a frugal sort of person, you might prefer making your own training tools at home! Training discs are great for distracting your dog and giving you the opportunity to grab his attention. Basically, they’re a series of metal or plastic discs on a ring. Guess what — you can get the same effect from a home-made shaker. Take an empty soda can and rinse it out. Drop a small handful of pennies inside and … Continue reading

Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days

Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week, makes everything look possible. In fact, if you visit his website, you’ll see that he breaks it down and darned near anything is possible if you follow his example! I haven’t yet tried his method of losing 20 pounds of fat in 30 days, although I should. (Pesky pregnancy fat plagues me.) Given his other ideas, I am inclined to think he may have some good ideas about how to do this so let’s take a look at his proposal, shall we? He claims that, in the last six weeks, he has … Continue reading

What are You Thinking (with what you’re drinking)?

What are You Thinking (with what you’re drinking)? Many people just don’t realize the amount of extra calories they are consuming in the form of beverages. We often wonder why the numbers on the scale simply don’t change even though we’re eating much less. What we don’t realize is that we’re often replacing food calories with liquid calories, and liquid calories can be much more dense, quickly consumed and unhealthy than those we might chew. Following is a list of beverages including soft drinks and fruit juices. Take a look at them and think about how many servings you might … Continue reading

Don’t Fall for Enviga

Nestle (a division of Coca-Cola) has produced a new drink called Enviga and claims that this energy drink can help us burn calories. Let’s see how it works… The caffeinated, carbonated drink comes in green tea, berry and peach flavors. It is sold in 12-ounce cans at a price of $1.29 to $1.49 per can. The claim is that it will help us to burn an extra 60-100 calories when we consume three cans a day. (That’s a cost of up to $4.47 for 100 calories burned.) Nestle isn’t making these claims without having done at least a little homework … Continue reading

Teach Your Children How not to be Fat

Just because many of us are fighting the battle of the bulge, that doesn’t mean that we can’t teach our kids how to eat properly and stay fit. In fact, this is the ideal time for us to break the chain and make sure that our children never have to deal with the kind of weight loss worries we do. Guaranteeing your children a better future isn’t just about global warming and recycling – it is about teaching them the skills they’ll need to live a happy, healthy life. At the top of that list should be teaching them about … Continue reading

There is Hope for Gatorade Lovers!

You may love the taste of Gatorade, but the calories you can certainly live without. Perhaps you’re sensitive to sugar and have to watch your intake or you’re just trying to lose a few pounds and feel that cutting back on calorie laden beverages may help. (It will!) Whatever your reason, the Pepsi Company has finally come up with a solution. Pepsi is now offering a low-calorie version of Gatorade for those of us who have had to stay away from the original version for various reasons. The low-cal G2 is a response to the growing demand for non-carbonated beverages … Continue reading

Lose the Stress – Lose the Weight

Yes, I know. I’ve told you to lay off the soda, get some sleep and now I’m telling you to get rid of your stress. These, of course, are all things that we all want to do but the demands of a busy lifestyle often take precedence and we forget to take better care of ourselves and give our bodies time to relax and sleep eight hours a day. Well, my friends, it just isn’t possible to look healthy without being healthy. The fact of the matter is the biggest hurdle for most of us to lose weight is to … Continue reading