Chocolate Festival Sabotage

I just learned that there will be the 1st annual Chocolate Festival nearby in a couple of weeks. They are featuring an “All You Can Eat” Chocolate Buffet. Hmm, do I dare go? I have to go because I have never been to one and I have to see what it is all about. There are going to be demonstrations, activities, and raffles as well. This should be interesting. Actually, chocolate has a lot of good in it, but for a dieter eating chocolate can make you lose your “mind over matter” motto. Every once in a while, especially if … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: A Fight to the Finish, Part I

The Curse Dieting is hard enough, but many of us manage to accomplish our goal eventually. Everything is going fairly well, we are being faithful and strong-willed resisting the tempting goodies that surround us for the most part. We are losing a pound here, a pound there…and then we feel it….that first twinge…that first cramp. Oh no, you think, not now. I was doing so well. You know what will happen next. You feel it start to overtake you. You do not feel as strong as you initially did. You get an uncontrollable urge that you just have to satisfy. … Continue reading

Holidays and Dieting: Self-Control in High Gear

Attempted Sabotage! With Thanksgiving just behind us and Christmas hot on our heels, the quest for building up our self-control against self-indulgence is an all out challenge. It is a dieter’s worst nightmare to be surrounded by the vast amounts of delicious holiday food and know that we should not eat it lest we suffer all that we have gained during our journey in dieting. Too many bites could lead to regret, depression and self-loathing. Yet, there it is, right in front of our face and look at it! It is calling us to try “just a little bit”. Do … Continue reading

Looking for My Waist: Sabotage

I would not say there is a person close to me that consciously does not want me to lose weight but I do have a saboteur in my house. He was home for 3 days this weekend, and somehow I lost control. I will not blame it on him though… I could certainly be stronger. Instead of strength, however, I showed shameful weakness. When he decided my mood needed chocolate, did I say no? No, I did not. When he suggested Olive Garden, did I say no? No, I did not. By the way, he did not offer me the … Continue reading

Diet Sabotage

It’s happened again and I’m frustrated. I went to the store this morning to pick up a few things for dinner. I always forget one odd item (even with a list). Anyway, I strolled down the dairy isle to get some Parmesan cheese and that’s when I saw it. There it was, in a 24.2 oz container, with a sunny yellow lid…Kraft, Philadelphia, Ready-to-Eat, Cheesecake Filling. I groaned. Here we go again. It was too early in my commitment to consider “cheating”, but I did. My willpower deserted me, after seeing the simple illustration of a spatula smoothing the creamy … Continue reading

Don’t Sabotage Your Diet Before You Get Started

This blog comes from personal experience. I’m notorious for starting a diet then sabotaging myself on day one. Here are five easy ways to avoid self-sabotage when starting a weight loss plan: 1.Do NOT buy the following foods the day before you being your weight loss plan: chips, brownie or cake mixes, ding dongs, artisan bread, exotic jams and jellies, cookies, candy, regular soda, waffles, etc. These items inevitably lead to bingeing once you realize you’ve started a new eating plan that may be HARD for a few weeks. 2.Do not try and be “nice” by baking sweets for your … Continue reading

Make Your Diet Work For You

When it comes to choosing, planning and sticking to a diet – we all have similar goals in mind. We want to eat healthier, we want to lose weight and we want to look and feel better about ourselves. Those are laudable goals, but they are also vague and don’t necessarily provide you with the tools to make your diet work for you. The following are some tips that work in business to help achieve the goals and we’re going to apply them to your dieting scheme. First of all, assuming that you owner of the business knows best is … Continue reading


Although I recently shared “5 Tips for a Fitter Thanksgiving,” I don’t want to give anyone the impression that you absolutely can’t or shouldn’t splurge. In fact, I might not follow my own tips. I think it comes down to the reality that splurging doesn’t necessarily cancel out all of the work you have done up until Thanksgiving. Your exercise and healthy eating doesn’t go out the window. You won’t suddenly put on 10 pounds because you enjoyed one day of good food. At the same time, I failed to mention in my last blog that not everything you prepare … Continue reading

Allow for a Splurge Meal

There are differing opinions about whether or not it’s a good idea to splurge. When you are trying to maintain a fit lifestyle, it can be difficult to know if splurging will do more harm than good. Some will say that splurging, in any form, is never a good idea. But I tend to think it depends on the circumstances. For instance, what one person considers to be splurging might not be the same to another. One might look at splurging as eating everything in sight, with no restraint. But others, such as me, see it as a way to … Continue reading

Enjoying a Guilt-Free Thanksgiving

Is it possible to enjoy Thanksgiving and not feel guilty? After all, you may have lost a few pounds or have been doing great on your diet. Does that mean you have to forego all those wonderful dishes, possibly offending Aunt Patty? I plan on enjoying my Thanksgiving meal and not feeling guilty about it afterwards. You can do the same. First, I read somewhere that the average Thanksgiving meal is about 3,500 calories. Yes, that is a lot of calories but that is 3,500 calories for one meal. It would be different if you were eating that many calories … Continue reading