Momma’s on a Diet: Week 2 Weigh-In

Following the huge 8 lb loss last week, I was a little concerned this week that despite sticking to my Weight Watchers program and not going over my allocated points at all, I wouldn’t have lost any weight. I didn’t expect to have gained weight, but the most I figured to have lost was about 1 lb. My logic on this is that I lost so much in week 1 that my body would need to adjust to this before losing anything more. It was with some relief that when I stood on the scales, (and found the courage to … Continue reading

Momma’s on a Diet: McDonalds? Count me In!

Yes, I know I’m on a diet. By tradition I’m supposed to eat crispbread, low fat cottage cheese, lettuce leaves and a side helping of tomatoes topped with dried rosemary to indicate that food can still have taste whilst being low in calories. But you see, the thing is, I’m not big on tradition – well not as far as diets go. They’ve never really worked for me. Dr Phil McGraw always says “How’s that working for you?” as an indicator as to whether you are doing something the right way or not. Well the truth is, the traditional way … Continue reading

Becoming a Healthier Mom

My children mean the world to me and there is nothing like the joy of being able to join in their world of play. We wrestle on the floor, giggle, play silly word games, build train tracks, Lego skyscrapers, play airplane where I spin them around by their arms until we’re both dizzy… But getting tired too quickly due to being overweight and hearing my boys tell me, “Mommy, still play” is grieving. Moms even in the healthiest condition often don’t have the energy of three or five year old boys, but they may be able to play chase or … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: Progress!

Well, we’re a week into the New Year—resolutions have been made and countless ones have undoubtedly already been broken—but not mine. I resolved to finally lose my excess weight in 2007 and so far I’m staying on track. To do this, I had to decide which “route” I wanted to take. Was I going to go low-carb, low calorie, or low-fat? Was I going to take supplements? How often was I going to exercise? For me, the best option, at least for now, was to go low-carb. By reducing my carbohydrates, I find I can stay full longer, have reduced … Continue reading

Do You Have Enough Support to Lose Weight?

Growing up, I never really received a whole lot of support from my family when it came to weight loss. You see, I was a very good cook. I was an exceptional pastry cook. My family loved it when I baked. It didn’t matter what I made, so long as I made it. In fact, I was so good that the praise I received for being a great cook and sharing these homemade confections with friends and family made it impossible for me to seriously lose any weight. Yeah, I liked the attention I got from being a great cook … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Introduction

My name is Julie Gentry. I’m 44 years old and I’ve known I was diabetic for almost five years now. I say “known” because, looking back, it’s likely that my problems started a little further back than that. When I first got the diagnosis of Type II Diabetes, I was surprised. Wasn’t that something older people with poor nutrition or morbidly obese people got? I wasn’t even forty, grew up eating healthy food, and played sports in college. Sure there were some extra pounds around my middle, but that was pretty common in women with children, wasn’t it? It’s taken … Continue reading

End of January Fitness Check Up

It’s the end of January – yes, I know, already. I promised you at the end of last month that I would be making some changes to the end of the month fitness goal check ups and this is our first edition of a new check up method. We’ll see how it goes, of course, I’m always open to your ideas and your suggestions – feel free to drop me a private message here at or in the suggestion box I’ll be posting on our forums. So let’s get to it. Fitness Check Up Let’s talk about our resolutions. … Continue reading

The Body Shop: Make-up and Other Beauty Products for a Buck

Blue eye shadow, wings, flared Dittos jeans, and frosted orange lip-gloss. If you laughed at yourself, you’re probably in my age range. Those of you shaking your heads don’t know what you missed! That blue eye shadow was a staple in the 70s. It didn’t matter your skin tone, what color eyes you had, what you were wearing, or where you were going. You weren’t complete without that blue eye shadow! I stopped wearing makeup years ago. No, I’m not a granola (at least, I don’t think so!). But my husband didn’t like it. I got foundation on a favorite … Continue reading

What’s Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Baskin-Robbins B1G1F Coupon

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! My kids still get excited to hear the electronic music of the grossly-overpriced ice cream man coming down the street. I think it’s a conditioned response, a la Pavlov’s dogs. They hear the music, and they start salivating. The truck comes in sight and their brain signals them that they’re hungry. It forgets, of course, that they’ve just eaten a lunch big enough for two construction workers. When there’s a sale going on, we have easily gone through ten half gallons in a week. My kids are usually disappointed to … Continue reading