The Skinny on Skinny Water

Drinking lots of water is one of my ‘tricks’ for optimizing weight loss. I find that it gives me something to do (instead of reaching for food), fills up my stomach so I am not as hungry, staves off cravings for sweets (often times a craving for sweets is really thirst), and keeps me from drinking my real favorite drink: soda. Diet gurus have also reported that drinking ice cold water causes your body to expend calories drinking it because it has to warm the water up. Water is surely the perfect no calorie drink. However, there is a newer … Continue reading

The Connection Between Weight Loss and Sleep

I have to begin with this disclaimer. This is not a ‘scientific’ article on some recent study that talks about weight loss and sleep. Although such studies have been done, this is more of my own thoughts and musings on my behavior when I don’t get enough sleep. Here is exactly what happens when I wake up tired in the morning, which is nearly every morning. I wake up and have an extra cup of coffee. I always have one cup, but on days when I’m really tired I indulge in two. I like my coffee extra light and extra … Continue reading

Reached a Plateau? Nine Tips For You

Having trouble with those last few pounds? Scale stuck on the same number? Perhaps you’ve hit a plateau. It’s a common occurrence that dieter’s encounter. Here’s a checklist for you. See if one of these suggestions will work for you. 1. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep may cause cravings. 2. Add more protein to your diet. 3. Limit caffeinated beverages and alcohol. The body burns alcohol for fuel instead of burning fat. 4. Limit salt. This is a good idea if your body retains fluid. 5. Weigh yourself less. There are many reasons … Continue reading

Moderation in the Yogic Lifestyle – Where Does Caffeine Fit in?

I hesitate to even write about the fact that I gave up coffee and caffeine in January because I don’t want people to interpret this as a judgement on anyone who enjoys it. In fact, I’m sure that I would still be drinking it if it wasn’t for how it affected me. Just like some people abstain from even a glass of wine on a special occasion because it affects them dramatically, I’ve found that java doesn’t jive with my body or mind. The truth is that I became one of those people who would get a significant headache if … Continue reading

Can I Exercise After the Baby is Born?

Of course you can. It’s generally advisable to wait until after the bleeding stops if you had a vaginal delivery before you start exercising. It may take longer if you had a c-section. Be sure to consult with your obstetrician/gynecologist prior to beginning your workout routine again. The first six to ten weeks of your baby’s life is going to be pretty hectic and don’t be surprised if your energy levels remain low for a while because you will be coping with sleep deprivation and healing all in one fell swoop. If you want to get started sooner, consider taking … Continue reading