Crazy Diets: The Cookie Diet

What is the Cookie Diet? The Cookie Diet consists of eating four to six cookies a day that add up to about 500-600 calories. The rest of your calories will come from lean meats and vegetables. The caloric intake a day is 800-1200. It is recommended that you seek medical supervision if you decide to consume only 800 calories a day since you are at risk for malnutrition. It is important to note that if you decide to make the cookies and follow the diet on your own to make sure you consume 1200 or more calories a day. The … Continue reading

Crazy Diets: The 3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Cleveland Clinic diet. Considered a fad diet as there is no proof it works as magically as its claim. Supposedly the combination of the foods in the diet causes a metabolic change to boost your body into high gear and burn fat. One is supposed to follow the eating plan exactly making no deviations. It is then followed up by four days of eating regularly and then the diet is repeated once again. The problem arises when the plan only allows for about 1,000 calories a day. Instead of … Continue reading

Crazy Diets: Chocolate Diet

While the chocolate diet does not encourage eating chocolate to lose weight it is still on the fad diet list. The purpose of the diet is to help those with chocolate addictions ease that addiction and lose weight. The first week no chocolate is allowed. The subsequent weeks allow chocolate in small quantities. Basics: Diet allows for no more than 1300 calories a day. Men can eat up to 300 more. Exercise is encouraged and different types are recommended for different types of chocolate addicts. Promises you can lose 7 pounds in two weeks. Claims to alleviate chocolate cravings. (However, … Continue reading

Has Your Diet Fallen on its Face?

So what did it? Was it a cupcake with whipped frosting? Was it an extra serving of pasta? Was it that grande cup of full fat latte with real whipped cream and chocolate drizzle? Tell me what caused your diet to fall on its face. Maybe it wasn’t the food that tempted you but stress, feelings of low self esteem, or the decision to celebrate with too many calories. There are a million reasons from not being able to say no to dessert to a death in the family that can cause you to go off of your diet. There … Continue reading