Free Non-Fiction Books for Kindle – Week of February 22, 2012

The Kindle has become one of the most popular eReaders. There are a whole lot of people who received a Kindle for Christmas last year. It is more convenient to carry around a Kindle than it is to carry around several books. Just download them to your Kindle, and go. Here are a few non-fiction books that you can put onto your Kindle, legally, for free. 101 Offline Activities You Can Do With Your Child is a book that was written by Steve Bennett and Ruth Bennett. You can get this book, for FREE, for your Kindle, right now from … Continue reading

Chocolate Covered Almonds: A miracle of taste and health!

When I get on a kick I keep kicking. Currently I am on an almond kick. After reading about all the health benefits of almonds I am determined to find almond alternatives to my snacking and meals. I have spoken many times about my love for snacking and my quest to find healthy tasty snacks. I have found quite a few and now to add to my list is Blue Diamond Chocolate Covered Almonds. Why Almonds? Almonds are very healthy for you containing rich sources of: *vitamin E *calcium *iron *magnesium In addition almonds contain zinc, niacin, copper, and selenium. … Continue reading

Crazy Diets: Chocolate Diet

While the chocolate diet does not encourage eating chocolate to lose weight it is still on the fad diet list. The purpose of the diet is to help those with chocolate addictions ease that addiction and lose weight. The first week no chocolate is allowed. The subsequent weeks allow chocolate in small quantities. Basics: Diet allows for no more than 1300 calories a day. Men can eat up to 300 more. Exercise is encouraged and different types are recommended for different types of chocolate addicts. Promises you can lose 7 pounds in two weeks. Claims to alleviate chocolate cravings. (However, … Continue reading

The Paleo Diet

What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is also known as the caveman diet or the Paleolithic diet. The diet is rooted in the idea that humans ate in a healthier manner during ancient times. Think of the hunter-gathers and what they ate. Basically that is what is allowed on the Paleo diet. A diet rich in raw vegetation, fruit, nuts, and meat are on the menu for this Stone Age method of eating. The diet is high in fat with moderate amount of animal protein. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. From my understanding calorie counting is not … Continue reading

Do I Need a Home Survival Kit?

Every family should have a survival kit in case of disaster or emergency. We don’t like to think about such events, but it is important to be prepared should the unthinkable occur. Putting together a home survival kit is not difficult to do, and you can purchase ready-made survival kits as well. If you’d like to put your own survival kit together, here is a list of basic necessities that should be included: First Aid Gauze, bandages, elastic bandages Medical tape Scissors Topical disinfectant (like peroxide) Antibiotic cream Hydrocortisone cream Antihistamine Ibuprofen or other pain reliever Topical pain reliever Prescribed … Continue reading