The Weight Watchers Diet

Weight Watchers is one of the most well-known diets. This is due to how long it has been in existence and its advertising efforts. Is it the best diet for you? Before beginning a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor. What is the Weight Watchers Diet? Weight Watchers is a diet that uses a points system. Recently, Weight Watchers changed their points system to a new one called SmartPoints. Their new points formula looks at the type of fat in a given food, with saturated fat pointed more heavily. Lean protein has fewer points … Continue reading

Stress and Weight Gain

Stress is a part of life. We experience it in many forms and on different levels almost daily. Stress can be rooted in your job, finances or relationships. In this world of uncertain jobs and economy many are stressed out. The stress of money can easily put more strain on relationships causing more overall stress in your life. Stress can build up over time or you can experience a steady flow of stress. No matter, stress is stress and getting stressed out can have a detrimental effect on your weight. When you are stressed your hormones basically go wonky and … Continue reading

Yes the words “Cheesecake” and “Low Fat” can be used together.

This lovely little dessert was served at a bridal shower I attended. Everyone loved it! The best part is that this cheesecake is low in fat. You mean “low fat” and “cheesecake” are words you can use in the same sentence? Yes they are! In fact, I have a few low fat cheesecake recipes to share with you this month. Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts yet I never eat it. I cannot justify the amount of fat and calories in one slice even in the face of such delicious goodness. So I have made it my mission to … Continue reading

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

When the day comes that you decide to cut calories, lower your fat intake, and start a new healthy lifestyle, you will inevitably give up on some of your favorite desserts. While, I believe that you can eat anything if you take moderation in consideration, it is nice to know you can have your cake and eat it without guilt or giving up breakfast that morning. Have you heard of the Diet Soda Cake? This is simple to make and fits into any diet plan. This recipe first grew famous on Weight Watchers for adding up to a mere 3.5 … Continue reading

Working Out But Still Not Losing Weight?

Are you putting in extra time at the gym, but still not seeing the results you would like? I faced several questions recently regarding a study that came out about a possible correlation between exercise and weight gain. Clients begin working out and if they don’t lose weight immediately they get frustrated and give up. Here are a few tips which may help: 1. Don’t reward yourself with food. A client recently said, “I felt so much better eating an extra slice of pizza the other night because you worked us so hard in class.” Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading

Ready to Take Weight Loss Seriously

I’ve been talking about shedding my extra weight for months now. Losing my pregnancy weight was easy, but the fifteen pounds I gained before pregnancy have stuck. If I’m going to be honest with myself, however, I haven’t been trying very hard. I’m not a big fan of exercise and I love all things sweet. It’s hard for me to limit myself when enjoying dessert, and I might even enjoy it more than once in a day. My BMI is sitting at the top of the normal weight category, just five pounds away from “overweight.” I do not want to … Continue reading

Popular Weight Loss Methods: Part Two

A diet that works is only successful as what you put into it. For different people different methods of weight loss plans work differently. The key to being successful on a weight loss program is all up to you. You have to find what works best for you and stick with it. Below are a few details of some more popular weight loss methods: • Atkins: Since 1972 the Atkins diet has been thriving. This diet is based on low carbohydrates. It is approximately 66 percent protein. There are four phases to the Atkins nutritional programs. • South Beach: This … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: Blasted Hormones, Part II

Hormonal Imbalances Bring Out the Beast Unstable hormone levels are responsible for those awful symptoms that control PMS. Your estrogen levels go up along with your cortisol, or stress hormone. This little guy, cortisol, triggers a response that stimulates your appetite and you may become an eating machine. You desperately seek out what will satisfy this craving and this usually comes in the form of fat and carbs. Did someone say chocolate? How to Cope When you feel this uncontrollable urge, at the first sign, you need to eat something before it gets out of control. One good thing to … Continue reading

Corn and Dieting Don’t Mix

“I love corn but it doesn’t seem to be allowed on any diet. Why is that?” Corn is a favorite vegetable of many of us. Unfortunately, what few people understand is that corn, though it is a vegetable, is loaded with starch. 5 ounces of sweet yellow corn contains the following: 115 calories 1g Fat 1.5mg Sodium 27.4g Carbohydrates 3.4g Fiber 4.3g Sugar 3.6g Protein It is also high in Vitamins A and C. These numbers say a lot to anyone trying to lose weight. The calories in corn are significantly higher than the calories in most other vegetables. The … Continue reading

When to Eat Carbohydrates

“Why is it recommended to eat carbs after a workout vs. before? If simple carbs convert to sugars quickly for energy, wouldn’t eating something like oatmeal or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat “before” a workout be better than after?” Great question! This is something that so few who are trying to lose weight understand. Eating Carbohydrates Before a Workout If you are a long distance runner with very little bodyfat then carbohydrates before your workout are a must. The carbohydrates will be used for energy so that your body doesn’t have to break down your already low bodyfat for … Continue reading