Smart Choices At McDonald’s

You rush from the bank to pick up the kids at school to drop one off at soccer and the other off at football. By the time you get home there will be no time to make a healthy dinner and with pennies in the back after paying for football cleats and soccer uniforms, there is no money to eat out. So what’s a mom to do? Can you in good conscience choose a fast food restaurant to feed your family? You know the content of fat, oil, trans-fat and who knows what else that will invade your kid’s bodies … Continue reading

Chocolate Flavored Toddler Formula

The babies who have been in our care were all formula fed. They didn’t have any issues with the formula and tolerated the formula provided through WIC. These babies were good eaters and consumed enough ounces appropriate for their development. When babies turn one they move up from formula to whole milk. Their bodies aren’t ready for whole milk before one year. Formula manufacturers don’t want to lose this lucrative market just because a child doesn’t need formula anymore. To fill this niche, next stage toddler formula was created. Toddler formula has many of the same nutrients found in whole … Continue reading

Confessions of a Foodie Mom—Week 5

“I had to have some to calm myself down,” my nine-year-old sobbed. “They [her brother and sister] are eating my very favorite candy in front of me on purpose and it’s going to be TWO YEARS before my braces come off and I can have it again. So I had to take some cookies to calm myself down.” Whoa. It’s not that the statement is shocking. My friends and I have commiserated with each other over our tendency to eat under stress, when alone, or otherwise emotional. It’s even become a pop culture joke—witness all the T-shirts and coffee mugs … Continue reading