Are You in Denial About Your Overweight Child?

A recent poll showed that half the parents who had overweight or obese kids simply didn’t realize their kids weighed too much. Now it is one thing to look in the mirror and deny that we’re getting heavier but what on earth are we doing to our kids if we turn a blind eye? Dieticians believe that parents are in denial about their kids’ weight because they don’t want to have to change their own eating and exercise habits. What does that say about us as parents if we aren’t willing to teach our kids good healthy habits for a … Continue reading

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is on the rise. It’s an epidemic of grand proportions (no pun intended). In this society that values looks and idolizes anorexic models, we simultaneously abuse our children’s bodies and stand by as they grow larger and larger and become more and more unfit. Childhood obesity has got to stop but the cycle begins at home. How do you know if your child is obese or at risk of becoming overweight? Knowing is half the battle. So many parents are in true denial, believing their children are simply “built big” or “sturdy” or retaining “baby fat”. It’s time … Continue reading

The Best of the Worst Fast Food Breakfasts – Part 2

Yesterday, I blogged about bad fast food breakfasts. They may taste great, but do you really need your daily allowance of calories, fat, and sodium in one meal? Here are more bad choices and remember, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends between 18 and 31 grams of saturated fat subtracted from a total of 65 grams of fat, and less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium for a 2,000 calorie diet. Burger King Biscuits and Sausage Gravy Platter – I am a sucker for biscuits and sausage gravy, but can do without the 680 calories. And the sodium count … Continue reading

Wellspring Academies: Weight Loss Boarding Schools

The obesity epidemic in the United States has definitely improved profit margins for quite a few companies. In addition to websites playing upon the weaknesses of those trying to lose weight by offering them a “sure thing” diet, there are now schools created specifically for those between the ages of 11 and 24 who have the money to check in and get ‘er done. Wellspring Academies offer middle school, high school and college level academic programs, as well as summer programs, so that young people can simply transfer to their chosen school for a semester (a minimum of four months) … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Introduction

My name is Julie Gentry. I’m 44 years old and I’ve known I was diabetic for almost five years now. I say “known” because, looking back, it’s likely that my problems started a little further back than that. When I first got the diagnosis of Type II Diabetes, I was surprised. Wasn’t that something older people with poor nutrition or morbidly obese people got? I wasn’t even forty, grew up eating healthy food, and played sports in college. Sure there were some extra pounds around my middle, but that was pretty common in women with children, wasn’t it? It’s taken … Continue reading