Yes! To Cookies: Can you really eat cookies on a diet?

Yes! To Cookies offers a cookie that allows anyone from diabetics to those on gluten free or low carb diets to say “YES!” to having a cookie. These cookies are sugar free, starch free, and gluten free! The cookies are made with stevia and erythritol which do not convert to glucose. The sweeterner, stevia, is not an artificial sweetener like Splenda, so no health concerns or worries. The cookies are also made with fiber to promote good heart health. These are the only cookies you will find that so many people with so many needs can have without negative health … Continue reading

Why I Dislike the Word Diet

You know, I really dislike the word “diet.” I just don’t think it has a very appealing sound to it. When I hear the word diet, I tend to think of nothing but restrictions. I think of what I can’t have. Instead of concentrating on what a person can’t have, there should be a focus on what a person can have. I am done with dieting. I really am. I have tried some crazy stuff. Well, it was crazy at least to me. There was one diet where the main idea was that you drank a certain amount of water … Continue reading

Treats for Pets with Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to food, my two dogs are very different. Lally is the sort of dog who will only eat when she’s hungry; I could leave a bowl of food out all day and she’d regulate herself. Moose is a chow hound; he’ll eat until there’s nothing left and then eat some more. I can’t leave food out for him, because he’d never stop eating! It’s very hard to manage Moose’s weight when he never turns down food. The vet suggested that we avoid chewy snacks — they generally have a higher fat content than crunchy, dry snacks have. … Continue reading

A Simplified Look at Gluten-Free and/or Casein-Free Diets for Autistic Kids

If you start to delve into the massive amount of information available on dietary restrictions for your autistic child, you might initially be overwhelmed. How can you determine what should be eliminated from your child’s diet, and what shouldn’t? Or is diet even a factor you should be concerned with? All over the internet, you’ll find testimonials from parents who have eliminated one substance or another (or several) and observed marked improvement in their son or daughter’s behaviors. But are these parents only seeing what they want to see? Will dietary restrictions really help your child? It’s hard to know … Continue reading

A Diet Without Restrictions?

I thought I had heard everything; and then, I read the story of Stephen Hawks who lost weight by keeping a stash of the foods he craved. The professor of health science, at Brigham Young University, lost fifty pounds and kept them off. In order to follow his plan, you have to be conscious of the choices you’re making. His concept is that binges can be avoided if you stock up on lots of the things you like to eat. If nothing is off-limits and you can eat sensibly, you will lose weight. My first thought was, “You have got … Continue reading

Choosing A Diet That’s Right For You

Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You Part 1 of a Series Today, as promised, we’re going to delve into choosing the diet that’s right for us. Since we’ve got the pitfalls figured out, tossed the myths out the window, and religiously get inspired by Celebrity Fit Club, it’s fine time to figure out exactly which plan is realistic for us and is going to help us get rid of those unwanted pounds. Now the hard part– where to begin. If you’ve tried dieting unsuccessfully (or even successfully!) in the past, the most difficult part is getting your plan together … Continue reading

Increased Serotonin Promotes Weight Loss and Wellness

Does your diet make you moody? Do you feel like you’re missing out on all the foods you like to eat? Doctors Judith Wurtman and Nina Frusztajer Marquis want to show you how to feel full and lose weight without the emotional roller coaster. They claim increasing serotonin will do the trick. In their book, The Serotonin Power Diet, they map out a twelve week plan to help you increase your serotonin levels, lose up to 2 pounds a week, and manage your emotions. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that triggers satiety and affects emotions. The amino acid tryptophan helps the … Continue reading

Weight Loss for Breastfeeding Moms: An Introduction

When you read about breastfeeding one of the benefits listed is “breastfeeding helps you lose your baby weight.” For some women, this is true. They seem to go right back to their pre pregnancy weight with little or no effort. I hate these women, with their large breasts and skinny waists. I am the Pregnancy Blogger here at I gave birth to my fourth baby in July. He’s now six months old and I’m no where near my pre pregnancy weight. I’m still wearing sweat pants. Only one pair of my pre pregnancy pants currently fit. When Lisa called … Continue reading